All files / core/src/utility pluralize.ts

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 * **pluralize**s words of the English language.
 * @param singular - An English word in `singular` form.
 * @returns The **pluralize**d form of `singular`.
 * @example
 * **Pluralize** `'money'`:
 * ```ts
 * import { pluralize } from '@sgrud/core';
 * pluralize('money'); // 'money'
 * ```
 * @example
 * **Pluralize** `'thesis'`:
 * ```ts
 * import { pluralize } from '@sgrud/core';
 * pluralize('thesis'); // 'theses'
 * ```
export function pluralize(singular: string): string {
  if (!uncountables.includes(singular.toLowerCase())) {
    for (const word in irregulars) {
      const pattern = new RegExp(`${word}$`, 'i');
      if (pattern.test(singular)) {
        return singular.replace(pattern, irregulars[word]);
    for (const regex in regulars) {
      const pattern = new RegExp(regex, 'i');
      if (pattern.test(singular)) {
        return singular.replace(pattern, regulars[regex]);
  return singular;
 * Regex mapping of singular words to their regular plural forms.
const regulars = {
  '(quiz)$'                    : '$1zes',
  '^(ox)$'                     : '$1en',
  '([m|l])ouse$'               : '$1ice',
  '(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$'      : '$1ices',
  '(x|ch|ss|sh)$'              : '$1es',
  '([^aeiouy]|qu)y$'           : '$1ies',
  '(hive)$'                    : '$1s',
  '(?:([^f])fe|([lr])f)$'      : '$1$2ves',
  '(shea|lea|loa|thie)f$'      : '$1ves',
  'sis$'                       : 'ses',
  '([ti])um$'                  : '$1a',
  '(tomat|potat|ech|her|vet)o$': '$1oes',
  '(bu)s$'                     : '$1ses',
  '(alias)$'                   : '$1es',
  '(octop)us$'                 : '$1i',
  '(ax|test)is$'               : '$1es',
  '(us)$'                      : '$1es',
  '([^s]+)$'                   : '$1s'
} as Record<string, string>;
 * Mapping of singular words to their irregular plural forms.
const irregulars = {
  child : 'children',
  foot  : 'feet',
  goose : 'geese',
  man   : 'men',
  move  : 'moves',
  person: 'people',
  sex   : 'sexes',
  tooth : 'teeth'
} as Record<string, string>;
 * List of uncountable singular words.
const uncountables = [