Module state

@sgrud/state - The SGRUD State Machine.

The functions and classes found within the @sgrud/state module are intended to ease the implementation of Stateful data Stores within applications built upon the SGRUD client libraries. Through wrappers around the IndexedDB and SQLite3 storage Store.Drivers, data will be persisted in every environment. Furthermore, through the employment of Effects, side-effects like retrieving data from external services or dispatching subsequent Store.Actions can be easily achieved.

The @sgrud/state module includes a standalone JavaScript bundle which is used to fork a background Thread upon import of this module. This background Thread is henceforth used for Store.State mutation and persistance, independently of the foreground process. Depending on the runtime environment, either a navigator.serviceWorker is registered or a new require('worker_threads').Worker() NodeJS equivalent will be forked.





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